Jerilee Kaye

Stories: 9

Stories by name

Chasing Princess Charming
Chasing Princess Charming
Meet Ken Clarke. Cool. Kick-ass and way above average in the looks department. She's super smart and hits the drums like a rock star. She has a beautiful face, and rocks the androgynous fashion like she just stepped out of the covers of a magazine. Even girls screamed for her and guys... well, thanks to her father, she had lost her faith in men a long time ago. And she didn't think that any man was worthy of her trust. Her world revolved around her fragile best friend, Jennifer. She made it her mission to protect her. And then Nicholas Atkins entered the picture... Smart, devilishly handsome, smooth-talking Alpha Male who thought every guy in town wanted to be him, and every girl wanted to sleep with him. Jennifer suddenly fancied herself in love with him, much to Ken's disappointment. Soon, Jennifer was busy chasing after Nick. Ken was busy keeping her away from him. Nick, on the other hand, had a different agenda in mind. Ken didn't know that while Jennifer was so desperate to win Nick's heart... Nick would do everything to win hers.
Wingless and Beautiful
Wingless and Beautiful
Meet Ken Clarke. Cool. Kick-ass and way above average in the looks department. She's super smart and hits the drums like a rock star. She has a beautiful face, and rocks the androgynous fashion like she just stepped out of the covers of a magazine. Even girls screamed for her and guys... well, thanks to her father, she had lost her faith in men a long time ago. And she didn't think that any man was worthy of her trust. Her world revolved around her fragile best friend, Jennifer. She made it her mission to protect her. And then Nicholas Atkins entered the picture... Smart, devilishly handsome, smooth-talking Alpha Male who thought every guy in town wanted to be him, and every girl wanted to sleep with him. Jennifer suddenly fancied herself in love with him, much to Ken's disappointment. Soon, Jennifer was busy chasing after Nick. Ken was busy keeping her away from him. Nick, on the other hand, had a different agenda in mind. Ken didn't know that while Jennifer was so desperate to win Nick's heart... Nick would do everything to win hers.
Hermano después de la oscuridad
Hermano después de la oscuridad
Zach Reed me cautivó por completo... Por primera vez en mi vida, me liberé de todas mis reservas. Compartimos un beso mágico... seguido de una noche apasionada... Estuve a punto de entregarme por completo... y le entregué mi corazón sin reservas. Nos prometimos reencontrarnos y forjar un futuro juntos. *** No estaba en busca del amor... Siempre había blindado mi corazón. Pero al conocer a Blaire Stewart, mi mundo se puso patas arriba. Mi cuerpo la deseaba ardientemente. Mi corazón se desgarraba por ella. Deseaba protegerla, hacerla mía. Quería que todo el mundo supiera que ella me pertenecía. *** Zach era el único que había deseado con tal intensidad. *** Blaire era la mujer por la que atravesaría el infierno ida y vuelta. *** Hasta que una reunión familiar hizo añicos nuestros sueños y nos arrancó el uno del otro para siempre. *** Cuando el amor roza lo prohibido... ¿Qué harás cuando la persona que más anhelas es la que jamás podrás tener? *** Advertencia: Contiene contenido explícito. Solo para mayores de 18 años.
A veces, superar el dolor y la traición implica levantarse, tomar cartas en el asunto y encontrar a un hombre que valga la pena. Astrid tenía todo listo para su boda ideal. Hasta que descubrió que su prometido, Bryan, le era infiel con su prima, quien además era su mejor amiga y su dama de honor, Geena. ¡Y para colmo, Bryan había embarazado a Geena! Cuando Astrid creía que la situación no podía empeorar, llegó una invitación de boda que anunciaba que su soñada ceremonia se llevaría a cabo tal y como ella la había planeado. Solo que ahora, ella no sería la novia. Así que, cuando sus padres la animaron a asistir al enlace "como familia", Astrid ideó la venganza perfecta. Se proponía dar un espectáculo que todos recordarían. Demostraría que ha superado todo y que su corazón pertenece a un hombre mucho mejor. Estaba dispuesta a pagarle a alguien para que se hiciera pasar por un hombre adinerado, exitoso y locamente enamorado de ella, aunque solo fuera por una noche. Entonces conoció a Ryder, un hombre increíblemente atractivo y con un encanto irresistible. Trabajaba como barman y Astrid pensó que era el candidato ideal para su plan. En la boda, todos creyeron que Astrid había conquistado a un apuesto caballero que vestía trajes de Armani a diario, conducía un lujoso McLaren y estaba perdidamente enamorado de ella. Había creado al hombre perfecto, aquel con quien cualquier chica soñaría salir y con quien ningún ex querría ser comparado. Pero, ¿realmente lo había inventado? ¿Y si en realidad hubiera besado a un sapo y domesticado a una bestia? ¿Y si su sed de venganza fuera en realidad el comienzo de su propio "felices para siempre"?
Some promises may be too precious to break. Some bonds may be too strong to sever. Some relationships may be too beautiful to damage. But some emotions are just too strong to fight. The women in Brianne Montgomery’s family have a curse that compels them to marry before the age of thirty-one, and she wasn't going to be the first one to break it. Her life seemed perfect. Her parents were happily married and she had a wonderful brother who looked out for her. The only thing she hated about her life was Travis Cross—her brother’s annoying best friend. But Brianne’s life took a sudden turn with a tragic death in her family. In an instant, she lost everything she held close to her in her perfect life. Travis made a lifetime promise to take care of Brianne for the rest of his life. He promised to be her safety guy to save her from the family curse. He also promised her brother he wouldn't touch or even want her. And Travis is one person who knows how to keep his promises--no matter what the cost. Soon, their once hateful relationship turned into an unbreakable bond of love and friendship. However, their dependent and comfortable relationship would always be complicated because of the yearning inside Travis that craved Brianne like a drug. And Brianne struggled to stay immune to his charms. She had already lost so much, and Travis had become the most important thing she couldn’t afford to gamble with. This romance follows Travis and Brianne's lives from the age of sixteen to adulthood and how they dealt with family, divorce, death, teen peer pressure, marriage and breakups… all of which make up their deep and unbreakable connection: A relationship so beautiful, they’re afraid to risk it for anything… not even for love itself.
All the Wrong Reasons
All the Wrong Reasons
Adrienne prides herself for being smart, prim and proper. She doesn’t go against the rules of society and refuse to even take a shot of Tequila. In other words: Conservative. Boring. Instead of having fun and letting her spirit run free, she spent almost all her life trying to gain her mother’s approval, measuring up to her sister’s greatness, and proving herself worthy of her boyfriend’s love and attention. She’s been lying to everybody, including herself, about who she really was. But no matter what she does, she just can’t seem to live up to their expectations. And then she got fed up and decided to let loose. For just one night. She left her eyeglasses, flat shoes, long skirt and knitted sweater behind. In high heels and a dress that accented her long legs and curves, she went to a club by herself and decided to find out what it was like to have a good time. Her night couldn’t even be more perfect when Justin Adams, the city’s most sought after bachelor, a.k.a. most notorious playboy fell prey to the charms she didn’t even know she possessed. Justin was every girl’s dream boat, but he never committed to a woman. He didn't date and didn't do relationships. So, Adrienne thought after that night, she didn’t have to deal with him again. He would forget about her and her secret night of fun was safe with him. But what she did not expect is that Justin isn't about to let her go that easily. And what was supposed to be just a one-night-stand with the City's most wanted playboy became a full-blown secret affair. In the eyes of her friends and family, she had a boyfriend named Troy. But within the walls of her bedroom, she belonged to Justin. But her new-found bliss would be threatened by the secrets that Justin keeps and the past that her parents kept from her. Soon, she will find out that she's been living her life with all the right intentions... but for all the wrong reasons.
All the Wrong Places
All the Wrong Places
rom Jerilee Kaye, author of best-selling novel “Knight in Shining Suit”, comes the spin-off of the top-grossing interactive story, “All the Wrong Reasons”.One last adventure. That was all Julianne wanted. One last trip to escape the pressures of an arranged marriage to a man she doesn’t love and doesn’t even like. One last time to experience freedom… to go wherever she wanted to go, to be anyone she wanted to be. On her last two weeks in Paris, she met someone unexpected—aspiring painter, Jas Mathieu. He was as handsome as hell, and as sweet as heaven. He captured her heart, lit her fire and consumed her soul. She wanted to give Jas every part of herself, but she was already promised to a powerful man who could easily ruin the simple life of the guy she fell in love with. Terrified of what her father and fiancé could do to Jas if she stayed with him, she fled Paris and left him behind—with no real information about herself, not even her real name. Little did she know, that the passionate night they spent together would be the cause of her broken engagement and would change her life forever. Seven years later, after her father stripped her of her heiress title and privileges, she crossed paths with Jas Mathieu once again. And this time, she found out that he wasn’t exactly the struggling artist she thought he was. And he was no stranger to the family and social circle she belonged to. It turned out that years ago, when they met... she wasn't the only one keeping secret
Brother After Dark
Brother After Dark
Zach Reed swept me off my feet... For the first time in my life, I let go of all my inhibitions. We shared one magical kiss... and then one hot night... I almost gave him my body... and I gave him all my heart. We made a promise to meet again and build a future together. *** I wasn't looking for love... I have always guarded my heart. But when I met Blaire Stewart, my world turned upside down. My body craved for her. My heart ached for her. I wanted to protect her, I wanted to possess her. I wanted the world to know that she was mine. *** Zach was the guy I wanted like no other. *** Blaire was the girl I will go to hell and back for. *** Until a family reunion shattered our dreams and tore us apart forever. *** When love touches on the forbidden... What will you do when the person you want the most Is the person you can never have? *** Warning: Contains explicit content. Suitable for ages 18 and over.
Steamy Stories
Sometimes, getting over pain and betrayal means Getting Up, Getting Even and Getting a Better Man! Astrid has planned out her perfect wedding. That is before she found out that her fiance, Bryan, is cheating on her with her cousin-slash-best-friend-slash-maid-of-honor, Geena. Worse, Bryan got Geena pregnant! And just when Astrid thought it couldn't get any worse, she received a wedding invitation telling her that her Fairy Tale wedding will happen exactly the way that she wanted it. Except that she is no longer going to be the bride! So when her parents urged her to attend the wedding "as family", she planned on the perfect revenge! She will put on a show for everyone to see. She'll show them she is better now. And she is in love with a better man. She's willing to pay a guy to pretend to be rich, successful and totally into her--even for just one night. Then she met Ryder. Totally smoking hot and quite a charmer. He makes a living as a bartender and Astrid thought he was the perfect man for the job. At the wedding, everybody thought Astrid was really with a smoking hot guy who wears Armani suits on a daily basis, drives a luxurious McLaren, and is totally in love with her. She invented the perfect guy every girl would kill to date, and every ex-boyfriend would hate to be compared with. But did she really just invent him? What if she really did kiss a frog and tamed a beast?And that her quest for revenge was really the beginning of her happily ever after.
Steamy Stories
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